Monday, September 19, 2005

Hello Hockey Fans!!!!

Okay so I have changed the focus of this blog from just it being on the Calgary Flames to one that is more broad and covers the world of hockey around us (mainly NHL). Now I did this because it provides us more material to write about and more opportunity for more reports, comments and opinons. What we as contributors to this hockey blog will try and keep up on a daily or weekly basis is News around the league, such as trades, injuries, team standings, suspensions, etc. And provide our thoughts and opinions on these topics. Hopefully they will be an enjoyable read and this blog will make it up to the higher rankings of hockey blogs and rss feeds! So sit back and let this upcoming hockey year provide us with lots to talk about. I hope to all those who come by for a visit enjoy what we do and keep on coming back.


p.s. GO FLAMES GO!!!!!!!!!!

p.p.s. I'm still looking for a few more contributors to this hockey blog. I'm looking for someone who is up to date on a daily basis of league news and is willing to update on the ones they think is the most significant. I also would like a person who isn't scared to voice their opinion on any hockey topic, whether its current or past. Send me a comment to this specific thread and we'll work something out. Thanks!