Sunday, November 01, 2009

Flames Scoring Chances, Game 12 versus Red Wings

Scoring Chances for NHL Game Number 20190

CGY115:24 315172228341123293040555v5
CGY113:47 58112125341722233033435v5
DET19:50 315172228341123293040555v5
DET19:42 46112125341723303343555v5
DET17:44 816202328341122232930405v5
DET17:13 34151722341418243040555v5
DET16:11 58112125341722233033435v5
CGY15:34 58112125341722233033435v5
DET10:04 4615212534517283033435v5
CGY216:36 58162333341824283043555v5
CGY216:35 58162333341824283043555v5
DET215:58 5816233334814182224305v5
CGY211:31 5616232434513283044965v5
DET211:21 62123242834513283044965v5
CGY29:44 34122125341123304055 5v4
DET29:28 34122125341723304355 5v4
DET27:26 58162334 814182324304v5
CGY25:1722 goal315172228341122293040555v5
DET24:4323 goal56212325341723303343555v5
DET23:41 315172228341123282930405v5
CGY20:04 3412172234511282930405v5
CGY20:02 3412172234511282930405v5
CGY20:01 3412172234511282930405v5
CGY318:12 4615172234513223044965v5
CGY316:56 46232425341728303343555v5
DET312:40 4616172134511282930405v5

3D. PHANEUF20:54531:32110:5700
4J. BOUWMEESTER20:58541:30113:3000
5M. GIORDANO14:24530:51001:4301
6C. SARICH17:02350:07002:4200
8S. KRONWALL10:18430:00001:0701
11F. SJOSTROM8:41220:00001:4500
12J. IGINLA16:55301:16110:0000
15N. DAWES14:09341:02000:0000
16D. BOYD11:58330:15002:4301
17R. BOURQUE16:22640:51001:0300
20C. GLENCROSS13:06010:00002:0000
21O. JOKINEN14:53261:16110:0000
22D. LANGKOW14:01630:51001:4700
23E. NYSTROM11:01440:20002:5001
24C. CONROY13:25210:00000:3600
25D. MOSS11:29341:00110:0000
28R. REGEHR19:08240:44002:4500
33B. PRUST6:26210:15000:0000
34M. KIPRUSOFF50:4812112:22116:2201

PeriodTotalsEVPP5v3 PPSH5v3 SH

I had to look at the results twice, because they don't really tell the tale of the game. Iginla was 3 and 0 at ES, but he was actually dreadful. All three chances came on a single shift to end the second period. He flat out terrible otherwise, killing plays all over the ice and being a liability in general. He continues to look like a mere shadow of the player he once was.

The chances count is in Calgary's favor because the Wings completely shut things down after they took the lead in the second period. They were happy to ice the puck and trap for the entirety of the third, allowing Calgary to close the gap: the differential actually favored DET 12-8 with 3 minutes left in the second period.

Of course, Jokinen was again below average in both zones as well and was the only Calgary skater well in the red by this metric. One wonders how long the decision makers will put with $12M+ of grossly under-performing forwards...