The absurdity of the moniker aside, one has to wonder which Jobing exective thought this was a good idea: while there is a certain wisdom to "buy low, sell high", one also has to have the confidence the asset in question will, some day, appreciate in value.
Not a bet I'd currently be willing to make, myself. The Phoenix franchise is hitting rock bottom right now and doesn't seem to have the history, fan-base or management necesssary to weather such a storm. What Jobing has probably puchased is 1-3 years of a ridiculously named building half filled with disappointed and/or apathetic people. Hopefully by then the beleaguered team will move somewhere else before they begin to suck so completely they create an immense, inescapable black-hole, resulting in the total imposion of the Southern States. Should the latter occur I guess they'd have to settle with "the Event Horizon", which admittedly sounds more impressive.