Anyone with any sort of interest in the Flames prospect camp should be visiting hit the post this week. Frequent commenter and fanatic Flames fan Walk Invisible has been attending the work-outs and providing a wealth of first hand information. From her most recent post, which includes stuff from a question and answer period with Tod Button: of the current off-season, the flames employ six full time & three part time scouts in north america, which is (according to button) the most of any NHL team. the full-timers are based in medecine hat, kelowna, eastern ontario, western ontario, quebec, and two northeastern american cities that i can't recall.
someone queried button on the flames' penchant for drafting WHL guys, which i concede is an excellent question. button pansied around that one a bit, swearing that the flames always draft the "best available hockey player" but did admit that if it came down to a coin toss, they do prefer the western canadian guys.
Take a look.