Sunday, October 25, 2009

Flames Scoring Chances, Game 10 versus Oilers

Scoring Chances for NHL Game Number 20143

EDM117:49 616203444 1927357183894v5
EDM117:3571 goal616203444 1927357183894v5
CGY114:41 56112125341213223541495v5
EDM111:26 46121524341018193549715v5
CGY18:0717 goal56172234 1012353746774v5
CGY17:16 46122024342735434983895v5
EDM16:40 4611212534527357183895v5
EDM14:37 31220242834527357183895v5
CGY12:43 511212534441213193537495v5
CGY216:17 31517222834527354983895v5
CGY216:0715 goal31517222834527354983895v5
CGY215:3223 goal510162334441218353746775v5
CGY215:07 4612202434510192235715v5
CGY214:04 321232528342735414383895v5
EDM211:09 46121624341213183541435v5
CGY210:20 3412212534513183541 5v4
CGY29:3725 goal3412212534510273541 5v4
CGY27:45 31215172228527357183895v5
CGY27:44 31215172228527357183895v5
CGY26:40 515162228341318353777 5v4
CGY26:27 515162228341318353777 5v4
CGY26:19 34122125341027354143 5v4
EDM22:21 51121253444510122235715v5
EDM21:2627 goal420242834 1927357183894v5
EDM319:17 4242834 1927357183893v5
EDM318:11 34172234 1012353746774v5
EDM317:59 34172234 1012353746774v5
EDM317:31 2324283444 1927357183894v5
CGY317:10 34111634 1935467183894v5
EDM315:17 36122134 2735374189 4v4
CGY313:08 512162334441213193543495v5
EDM312:30 315172228342735377783895v5
EDM311:41 4611122134510181935715v5
EDM311:40 4611122134510181935715v5
CGY39:01 34122021341318354143 5v4
CGY37:3315 goal515172228341318354143 5v4
CGY36:20 46122024341018193537775v5

3D. PHANEUF17:40533:43402:2512
4J. BOUWMEESTER14:56353:43407:0213
5M. GIORDANO13:25411:06300:5810
6C. SARICH13:26460:00003:0112
10B. MCGRATTAN1:01100:00000:0000
11F. SJOSTROM9:30240:00000:4410
12J. IGINLA16:30663:35400:0000
15N. DAWES11:59421:14300:0000
16D. BOYD12:09210:28202:0212
17R. BOURQUE11:55410:46105:1612
20C. GLENCROSS9:23311:10101:3703
21O. JOKINEN11:30353:35400:1200
22D. LANGKOW12:01411:14305:0412
23E. NYSTROM11:11300:00002:1701
24C. CONROY10:26330:00003:1002
25D. MOSS12:04322:25300:0500
28R. REGEHR16:21521:06305:1902
34M. KIPRUSOFF43:381094:497010:2126
44A. JOHNSON12:46310:00001:5703

PeriodTotalsEVPP5v3 PPSH5v3 SH

The second period was probably the most dominant of the season thus far for the Flames. They generated a ton and gave up almost nothing.

Also, Olli Jokinen was on the ice for 3 ES scoring chances for in this game, but he had next to nothing to do with any of them - he just happened to be the guy skating around when his linemates were doing something. His only true contributions to creating opportunities came on the PP.

Dennis' count here. Looks like he gave each team one more chance than I did, but it looks like we're in the same ballpark.