Saturday, April 03, 2010

Flames Scoring Chances, Game 78 Versus Colorado

Scoring Chances for NHL Game Number 21162

CGY117:59 5615253460910234152885v5
COL114:19 312172834601025263241525v5
CGY112:04 5615242534437414455595v5
CGY110:17 35172634601018394152 5v4
CGY15:52 35121825342227323741 5v4
COL13:47 6111218283449253941445v5
COL12:49 56172634602227374155595v5
COL12:06 31524252834432374144595v5
CGY217:3315 goal56152425342227323741595v5
CGY214:11 56233442 49232641884v5
COL29:54 5611121834416183241445v5
COL21:19 417262734601023263941525v5
CGY317:5017 goal56172634601037415255595v5
COL312:30COL goal311121828341025262739415v5
COL39:49 5611192334927414459885v5
COL36:57 411121827342227374155595v5
COL35:56 315242528341025263941445v5
CGY34:13 31726283460425373941525v5

3I. WHITE16:37143:09200:0000
4J. BOUWMEESTER20:19022:57001:1200
5M. GIORDANO15:17433:02200:4810
6C. SARICH16:10440:59000:4810
11N. HAGMAN17:31051:19000:0000
12J. IGINLA16:12052:52100:0400
15N. DAWES13:45320:19000:0000
17R. BOURQUE15:00232:49100:2600
18M. STAJAN16:07042:52100:0400
19J. MAYERS6:38010:00000:0000
23E. NYSTROM8:09010:00000:5110
24C. CONROY15:19220:19000:3900
25D. MOSS13:07322:52101:0500
26A. KOTALIK14:21222:49100:0000
27S. STAIOS17:47021:52000:0000
28R. REGEHR17:50150:01001:1200
34M. KIPRUSOFF52:005106:00202:0010
42B. SUTTER6:23000:00000:5110
60M. BACKLUND13:28331:49100:0000

PeriodTotalsEVPP5v3 PPSH5v3 SH

The lowest event game of the season featured a lot of shots from outside the scoring areas by both teams, but not much else. The Flames with an appalling 5 ES scoring chances, but win the game thanks to some favorable bounces and outstanding goaltending by Kipper in the third.

Iginla et al with another oh-fer night. Calgary's "first line" is absolutely abysmal right now.