For anyone who wants to engage in some scoring chance counting themselves, Vic of IOF has created this nifty app which makes things about 1000X times easier. Plop in the team you're following, the game number of the contest in question (which can be found at the end of each's game summary) and then just note the the time the evnet occured and for which team. Voila! The script then spits out the handy tables you see published here after every game.
Before starting, I would suggest defining (rather rigidly) what you're going to count as a chance or not. It seems like a fairly easy exercise at first, but there are actually a lot of ambiguous plays in a game that can that can be swung one way or the other by a number of factors: the urgency of the announcers voice, time of game, angle of the camera, your allegiance, etc.
Any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.